Letter from the Under-Secretary-General

by Azra Yılmaz

Most esteemed delegates,

I am Azra Yılmaz and I will be serving as your Under Secretary General in the Cabinet of Ilterish Qagan Historical Crisis Committee in İleriMUN’24. Let me share a few words of mine which might be important for your presence in the committee.

Throughout the MUN days, you should be productive and straight to the point when it comes to your actions and policies. We expect actual steps to be taken rather than bashing or blaming other delegates all the time.

Do not forget that this conference is a simulation of the United Nations, so you should behave, talk, and obey the dress code accordingly. My best advice for you is to read the study guide very carefully, especially on the parts that are about politics, it is recommended that you pay attention to the useful points you need to take into consideration while writing directives or forming secret alliances, maybe even secret assassination plans rather than memorize all the historical information and act incognito and passive during the committee.

Additionally, as we are a crisis committee, you will be able to write directives as well. In case you are unfamiliar with the concept of directives, our board members will give you enough information about what a directive is and how to write a directive so you do not need to feel stressed about it. As long as you pay enough attention and put in effort, you will probably not struggle with it much.

As I have the chance, I would like to thank our secretary general Asoude Patsaman for her great efforts that made this conference possible and our both academic assistant and deputy director general Miraç Emirhan Aydemir for his incredible work ethic as well as his support throughout the preparation of this committee.

If you have any questions regarding the committee, agenda, rules of procedure, or any other concerns that come to your mind related to the MUN, you may contact me via WhatsApp and email.

  • azramery78em@gmail.com

Last updated