The Aim of This Committee

Our committee consists of Turkic, Chinese, and Mongolian delegates. The committee is going to begin at a time when the 2nd Kokturk Khaganate is not established and Turkic tribes are not unified by Ilterish Qagan yet, and the Sui family still has the throne in the Chinese lands. This also means that power balances in the Tang were not settled yet, and they had to put effort into deciding the possible Chinese ruler in advance.

You are expected to know enough about the character you represent enough to have at least a rough plan for alliances, actions and debates. Remember, each delegate possesses some power to take some actions.

In the first official sessions, the committee is expected to revolve around Ilterish Qagan’s efforts to persuade the Mongolian and Turkic clan heads in order to reach unification while Ilterish is still under Chinese pressure. Engaging and staying active in this debate is crucial for Chinese delegates as well as it is for others since this means a larger population of people they will need to negotiate with or fight against to suppress the Turks if a khaganate in Chinese lands is declared by them.

Throughout the sessions, Tang and Sui families will need to work on asserting their dominance and authority and gaining the trust of their own people. Although Turkic tribes are known to have a tendency to desire independence, there are some Turkic tribes in China who prefer a stable Chinese authority too. This must be kept in mind for all delegates since this could be used as an opportunity by any side against the other.

Depending on the general atmosphere of the committee and the actions of the delegates, our committee could be separated into two sides and go on a Joint Crisis Committee (JCC in short) format where the two sides battle each other. However, this completely depends on whether the atmosphere will be convenient and whether the delegates are ready for such an action. So it is not certain if the JCC format will be applied or not, the delegates are the ones to determine it.

Since it is a crisis committee, the committee will be given new crises and updates regarding the actions taken. To get updates and for the committee storyline to continue, you must not solely rely on the crisis room to give you new events. You are expected to investigate and find weaknesses or strengths of your allies and enemies if you have any, and then take related action via the directives you write and send to the crisis room. Both debates and writing directives carry an important role in the storyline. The rest of the committee will be rewritten by the delegates in the sessions.

To sum it up, our aim in this committee is to settle the new power balances in Central Asia and rewrite history with its freshly new dynamics.

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