Brief overview of the Kokturk Khaganate and the Turks' significance in Central Asian history

Throughout time, the Turks have played a major role in determining the balance of power and the fate in Central Asia as a result of having accommodated in the steppes for centuries and adapting well to the land. Given their well-known characteristics such as craving freedom, and bravery as well as their tendency to build a governance, they have built plenty of khaganates and empires in and around Central Asia. Although history records are limited regarding the first Turkic state and the first Turkic tribes, the first Turkic ruler known in history is Teoman (Birth: unknown, Death: 209 BC) –ruler of the Hun Dynasty, or "the Xiongnu'' as it is called in Chinese sources. It is estimated that Teoman is the founder of the Huns as well as their first known ruler. Although Teoman was the first emperor, his son Mete Han was quite more compelling in terms of influence and contribution. The first decimal system - Tumen/Tümen (unit) was invented by Mete Han himself, and the invention is recognized as the core of thousands of years of Turkic military culture. The decimal system was even used by Cengiz Han (Dschinghis Khan) during conquests of the Mongolian Empire and later on, it became the default military system in states all around the globe.

The Kokturk Khaganate (Көктүрік in Kazakh) benefited from this rich military culture as well. Indeed, the Turkic characteristics and the militaristic accumulation resulted in the Kokturks ending up as the most significant Turkic state in Central Asian history. Ilterish Qagan is one of the greatest rulers in the glorious Kokturk history, if not the greatest. To understand his importance, and understand what is going on during his era, we must know some general information regarding that time. Just the way it is in getting to know someone, the environment and the culture that he was raised in would display quite many things that we need to know to understand him. The first element would be his nationality.

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